Category: Tax Law

Why You Need A Great Dog Bite Attorney in Hawaii

If you or a loved one is the victim of a dog bite or dog attack in Hawaii, then you should know that you are entitled, under Hawaii Law, to compensation for personal injury and/or property damage. Proving the dog owner’s negligence is essential to recover damages and that’s because Hawaii is a one-bite rule state. This refers to the fact that a dog owner will be held responsible for the bites caused by his or her dog if he/she had knowledge of the dog’s vicious or dangerous tendencies. That’s why it’s in your best interest to find and retain a top-rated and experienced dog bite attorney in Hawaii.

Your Hawaii dog bite lawyer will provide you with the aggressive representation that you need for a successful outcome of your dog bite case, Keep in mind that when filing a negligence per se or negligent handling claim, several facts must be proven. Negligence per se involves the violation of a statute. Without the assistance of an experienced lawyer with a vast knowledge of the one-bite rule and that specializes in handling dog bite and dog attack cases, you risk getting no compensation for your pain and suffering, as well as your medical expenses.

Also known as one free bite, the one-bite rule protects dog owners in Hawaii from liability as to the first bite caused by the dog, unless liability can be based upon knowledge ( legally known as “scienter” ), intentional behavior and/or negligence, including negligence per se, for violation an animal control law like a leash law. Your trusted Hawaii dog bite attorney will help you navigate the legalese and at once draw upon their legal expertise, deep understanding of the one-bite rule, and experience in handling thousands of dog bite cases to devise a winning strategy and help you move forward.

Keep in mind that a dog bite lawsuit in Hawaii must be filed within 2 years after the dog bite or dog attack, so it’s important to seek legal assistance in due time. If you are a dog bite victim and you’re looking for an experienced and trusted dog bite attorney in Hawaii, do not hesitate to get in touch with the reputable personal injury law firm Lowenthal & Lowenthal by calling (808) 242-5000 or by filling out the online contact form to set up a free, no-obligation consultation with one the best dog bite lawyers in Hawaii and implicitly, a free evaluation of your dog bite case.…

How A Tax Group Process Works

If you’re having tax issues, you’re probably looking for some kind of viable solution. You’re probably bewildered by the array of options and possibilities you’re considering, and chances are you’re trying to sort out the lies and promises.

There is a different way, though. If you’re in LA or the Los Angeles area, the Hillhurst Tax Group has a process and a reputation for integrity that can help you resolve your tax issues.

Start with the process. The first step is an office consultation where your problems are thoroughly considered and evaluated.

Hillhurst Tax Group has experience with just about every kind of tax problem imaginable, which makes it fairly easy to do this kind of evaluation.

The next step is to look into the type of investigation that’s being conducted, whether its an IRS inquiry or an investigation at the state level. When we do this, we’ll tell you what your possible options are, and what the outcomes are likely to be as well. This is usually the biggest step when it comes to getting your problems under control, and Hillhurst Tax Group has the expertise to cover all the bases.

The step that follows is all about planning and preparation. One of the biggest things that needs to happen if you have a tax problem is to get the paperwork part under control. That means knowing which forms are required, and how to fill them out.

This isn’t as always as straightforward as it sounds—in many cases, the forms are set up to elicit open-ended or incriminating responses that can broaden the investigation, so knowing how to fill them out is important.

It’s just as important to be comprehensive, too. Forgetting a form or missing a step can be both critical and costly, which is why great tax firms like Hillhurst play such an important role in the process.

Once the forms are filled out, a resolution plan is formulated. This part of the process is sometimes like a flowchart in which several different possibilities are examined, considered and then expanded on. That way you know everything you need to know going in, and you can be confident about your situation.

The final step in the process is to submit the paperwork and go forward to get the best possible result. That means knowing the timeline and the tactics that will be used during the investigation, and Hillhurst Tax Group knows everything you need to know about that, too. It’s the best way to get a great result, so make the right call and contact Hillhurst Tax Group today.…

Getting The Help Your Business Needs

When the EDD gets any information that a business has not been correctly paying employment taxes, they would conduct an audit to determine the facts. The business owner is not only responsible to pay wages to his employees and contractor but also file for their taxes. The minimum wage payment and overtime payment should be followed as per the federal guidelines. Sometimes, EDD audit can also be required if the employees are misclassified as an independent worker. Therefore, it is important to be cautious of the same.

Running a business smoothly and successfully requires a lot of efforts and hard work. There are a lot of things to take care of to ensure there are no challenges and hindrances in business operations. As a business owner, one should also discharge his duties as a citizen besides doing the part of a businessman. Paying taxes on time is a legal duty of every citizen of the country. Apart from that, as an employer, it is the responsibility of business owners to avoid employment tax frauds. The Employment Development Department is responsible to audit businesses to ensure that they are not doing any fraud. You should be aware of the EDD audit process to know how it works.

When your business requires an audit by the EDD, you should not be worried at all. Knowing the EDD audit process will help you to understand how it works.

When the auditor arrives at your business place, they will conduct a preliminary interview and discuss with you the reasons for the audit. They will also guide you about the whole EDD audit process so that you can expect what is coming forward. If you have any questions, you can ask them.

Their next step would be to examine the classification of employees, the work they did and the wages you paid them. When the EDD audit work is completed, the auditor will share his observations to you, that is called Proposed Notice of Assessment (PNA). If you do not agree with the PNA, you can challenge anytime. If they say that you have underpaid the taxes, you would have to pay fines. The EDD audit process can be difficult for some people. If your business is going to have an EDD audit, you should seek professional help. The experienced lawyers will help you with the whole process and help you avoid paying hefty fines. You should contact Dallo Law Group for further details on how they can help you with EDD audit.…

When Is The IRS Required To Accept A Bona Fide Offer In Compromise?

Millions of American are facing financial difficulties and are looking for ways to reduce their IRS tax debt. The IRS Offer in Compromise program offers hope to some individuals and small businesses. If you are experiencing a financial hardship, retired, unemployed, have little or no assets and are in over your head in tax debt, you may qualify for an Offer in Compromise. Not everyone can have their tax debt reduced this way, but if you meet specific criteria you may qualify and be able to reduce your tax debt. Top analysts with Hillhurst Tax Group reported that the IRS will usually only approve 25% of taxpayers who apply for an offer in compromise. It is extremely important that you get help from an experienced tax relief specialist such as a tax attorney, CPA or enrolled agent who can help you through the process. The money spent for representation may be worth it if you are reducing $10,000 or more in debt since your tax liability continues to increase with penalties and interest on a daily basis.

Your first step is to determine whether you qualify or not. This can be accomplished by gathering all your financial data and determining the following:

1. How much disposable income do you have each month? (Income minus expenses)

2. What type of assets do you have and what is the realizable value of each asset?

3. How much available cash do you have in checking or savings accounts?

4. How much do you have in retirement savings?

5. Is there doubt as to whether the IRS can collect the tax liability?

6. Would full payment of the tax liability cause a financial hardship?

Once you determine that you may qualify for an Offer in Compromise, you must complete forms 433A and 656 (offer in compromise) along with copies of the last three months of bank statements, check stubs, vehicle registration and other documents to support your financial situation before going through the formal process of negotiating with the IRS. There is a $150 application fee to file form 656 and you must also include 20% of your offer with the paperwork. These fees can be waived if you fall under certain income guidelines. It may take up to 30 days to get a response and even longer to be assigned to an IRS OIC representative and start the process. There will be a complete investigation of your financial situation and assets. You must be truthful of all assets in your name including homes, boats, cars, bank accounts, investment accounts and even businesses in which you are a partner or owner. The IRS will look at the equity in your assets to determine